What to Consider When Hiring a Tech Team

tech team

What to Consider When Hiring a Tech Team: Essential Skills for Building a Winning Team

In today’s fast-paced tech landscape, hiring is not about finding candidates who have the newest tool or most up-to-date coding language in their pocket. It should be about assembling a team of professionals who work well together, adapt easily, and think innovatively, a team able to shift and evolve when technology and business needs change.

Top Skills to look for in top tech talent

1. Problem-Solving & Resilience
Problems are a part of the package with tech. The most important thing is how a candidate will face those problems and learn from them. Resilience is one of the major keys to long-term success in such a dynamic industry. You want team members who stay positive and solution-oriented, even when things don’t go as planned.

2. Multidisciplinary Engineering Expertise
Not just specialists in one domain, but a well-rounded tech team requires much more. The multidisciplinary engineers who can integrate various technologies into cohesive solutions are invaluable. Many of these professionals often act as architects who shape the overall technical vision to ensure seamless interaction among different components.

3. A Blend of Business Acumen & Technical Know-How
Of course, technical proficiency is absolutely necessary; the ability to see the larger business picture overrides everything. If the technical hire knows how to code but does not understand how to fit that into aligning with company objectives, they will bring no value of contribution. In a project that includes knowledge in both technological and business perspectives, they are capable of assuring decisions concerning technology will promote the advancement of company goals.

4. Expertise in AI & Machine Learning
In today’s technology ecosystem, AI and machine learning are no longer a nice-to-have but an absolute must-have. The technology helps companies automate processes, optimize efficiency, and make informed decisions based on data. Building an AI/ML-skilled team is highly crucial for competitiveness and leading innovation in the technology world.

5. Cybersecurity Knowledge
With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, cybersecurity skills are not something one can afford to compromise on in this day and age. Be it sensitive data, cloud computing, or the Internet of Things, you want a candidate to protect your systems against any potential breach and keep your company’s infrastructure secure.

6. Team Player Mentality
Whatever the number, your technology team should be collaborative. The “team player” perspective ensures that people will work together in cohesion, respecting each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Teams that support each other in communication are more likely to deliver projects faster and adapt much faster to changed circumstances. That is so very important to be able to hold up smooth workflows and reach deadlines within the fast-moving tech environment.

Previous blog: How AI Will Change Business and Life in 2025


Building a great tech team is not about hiring the best technical talent; rather, it’s assembling a group of pros who can think out of the box, work as a team, and align their work to your business objectives. At Talentus, we help companies find top-tier nearshore IT talent that will help you build, develop, and optimize your tech team to take your business to the next level.

Glossary of important terms

Talentus: a global company that provides US companies with reliable near-shore IT talent up to their necessities.

Artificial intelligence (AI): a set of technologies that enable computers to perform a variety of advanced functions, including the ability to see, understand and translate spoken and written language, analyze data, make recommendations, and more.

Multidisciplinary: combining or involving several academic disciplines or professional specializations in an approach to a topic or problem.

Cybersecurity: the state of being protected against the criminal or unauthorized use of electronic data, or the measures taken to achieve this.